DCIS or Ductal Carcinoma In Situ occurs when cells the lacteals of the breast start dividing abnormally. It do not spreads i-e ; noninvasive. It usually comes up during screening tests for breast cancer in mammogram. Needs a thorough checkup and evaluation. Treatment can be done through conserving some breast tissue or it can be done through complete removal of breast tissue.


There aren’t any specific symptoms and signs for DCIS but it may present with:DUCTAL CARINOMA SYMPTOMS CAUSES TRETMENT

  • Nodule or lump inside the breast
  • Oozing of blood from nipple

The cause behind DCIS is mainly mutations due to which duct cells divide abnormally and in an uncontrolled manner. However, the cells don’t come out of the ducts (noninvasive). Heredity, environment and mode of living/lifestyle are some factors which are believed to be a cause of mutations.


Breast imaging

Diagnosis of DCIS usually happens when person is going through mammogram for screening purposes. White calcified materials are seen in the mammogram if a person has DCIS which then needs further evaluation through some more imaging techniques. Tissue sampling and ultrasound are also needed if the imaging doesn’t specify the disease.

Removing breast tissue samples for testing

Biopsy is done with a hollow syringe needle by an expert medical practitioner. Biopsy can be Ultrasound or X-ray guided.


DCIS has a good prognosis. The choices of treatment are as follows:

  • Mastectomy (surgery for breast removal).
  • Lumpectomy – (breast conserving surgery) and radiation therapy

Some other treatment options may include:

  • Lumpectomy with adjuvant hormone therapy
  • Only Lumpectomy.

The total removal of breasts is recommended on:

  • Patients choice.
  • DCIS is very large in size..
  • Multiple DCIS present.
  • When radiation therapy is not possible.
  • Abnormal cells present in the nearby tissues.
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