Fecal Incontinence

Fecal Incontinence

It is defined as the un-control bowel movements, due to which stool leak from the rectum unintentionally. It is also called bowel incontinence, passing of fecal material during passing of only gas.


It is commonly occurred in diarrhea, but there are many other causes which include:Fecal Incontinence SYMPTOMS CAUSES TREATMENT


Complications it can causes:

  • Skin irritation due to the repeated contact of stool with skin, pain and itching also occurs.
  • Emotional stress. It leads to the social embarrassment therefore people with this disease avoid social gathering.

After taking medical history your doctor might recommend the following tests to diagnosis the cause of fecal incontinence:

  • Anal manometry to measure the tightness of anal muscles which form the lower anal sphincter.
  • Digital rectal exam to check any abnormality and tenderness around the affected area.
  • Ballon expulsion test to check any defecation disorder.
  • To visualize the condition of colon and rectum from inside.

Treatment depend upon the cause and severity of condition which include:

  • Bulk laxative if constipation is the cause of fecal incontinence, anti-diarrheal agent also helps to treat this condition.
  • Exercise therapies. It helps to strengthen the muscles and improve the function of anal sphincter.
  • Dietary modification. Drink more fluids and take more fibers containing food in your diet to avoid constipation.
  • Surgery to repair the damage anal sphincter, sphincter replacement surgery also available.
Lifestyle and Home Remedies
  • Eat a food which contain fibers
  • Avoid constipation
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Avoid stress
  • Wash the affected area to avoid the skin irritation
  • Apply any organic oil at area to prevent itching and skin irritation
  • Wear light cotton under garments
  • Perform Kegel exercise to restore the strength the anal muscles.
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